Ignoring cPanel upgrade warnings - Safe? | Microsoft's new AI Recall feature records your PC activities | News from around the hosting industry

From: "WebHostingTalk Insider" <insider@PROTECTED>
Subject: Ignoring cPanel upgrade warnings - Safe? | Microsoft's new AI Recall feature records your PC activities | News from around the hosting industry
Date: June 5th 2024

June 5th 2024

Ignoring cPanel upgrade warnings - Safe?

Michael received an email warning him that "cPanel & WHM version ( will reach End of Life in 29 days" and that we (cPanel/WHM) "strongly recommend that you upgrade to the latest version to avoid any disruption in your service.". He's up to his neck in a lot of legacy projects that still require PHP 5.2 as well as Apache and MySQL tweaks and even the need to upgrade the codebase at this point, so upgrading is definitely nothing he can achieve in 1 day. He questions if he can just ignore this warning for a couple of months until he finds the time to deal with it? What will happen if he doesn't upgrade after 29 days? Share your thoughts/advice in the thread.

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Microsoft's new AI Recall feature records your PC activities

Microsoft have revealed that its new AI-powered feature called "Recall" will record PC activities including those performed in apps, communications in live meetings, and websites visited. The purpose of this new feature is to allow Copilot+ PC users running Windows 11 with the ability to retrieve their past activities. Recall uses AI features "to take images of your active screen every few seconds.". Despite encryption and local storage, it's being reported that the new feature raises privacy concerns for certain Windows users. For example, someone with access to your Windows account could potentially use Recall to see everything you've been doing recently on your PC. Microsoft stated users can pause, stop, or delete captured content and can exclude specific apps or websites, but experts that have tested the feature are already warning that Recall could be a "disaster" for cybersecurity, such as the feature stores data in a database in plain text which could make it easy for an attacker to use malware to extract the database and its contents. How safe do you feel about this new "feature"?

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News from around the hosting industry

Our Industry News section is the place to find current headlines from around the world of hosting and infrastructure, but other general interest threads pop up in other sections of the forum, especially our Web Hosting Lounge. Here we highlight just a selection of some of the interesting items from around the forum:

  • ICANN faces layoffs and budget shortfalls - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, otherwise known as ICANN, has announced the layoff of 33 staff last week. This accounts for 7% of the non-profit's employees. ICANN said it is facing a deficit of $10 million a year. The organization blames sluggish domain name growth. ICANN has faced deficits in the past and has "taken money from new top level domain name auctions to replenish its coffers".
  • Operation Endgame struck the network between May 27 and 29, Europol said - Four people have been arrested in the "largest ever operation against botnets" EU police force Europol announced. The Netherlands, Germany and France led the sting, dubbed "Operation Endgame". According to Dutch police, their investigation uncovered financial damages totalling "hundreds of millions" of euros. They also estimate that the malware has infected millions of systems. Operation Endgame struck the network between May 27 and 29, Europol said. Officers conducted searches in 16 locations: 11 in Ukraine, one in Armenia, three in Portugal, and one in the Netherlands. They targeted evidence of "droppers" a type of Trojan horse designed to install malware.
  • Freshstream acquires controlling stake in global IaaS provider Worldstream - The Netherlands-based Infrastructure-as-a-Service company. Worldstream is a fast-growing IaaS provider with company-owned data centers benefiting from rising data consumption, more complex IT infrastructure deployment use cases and the ongoing transition from in-house to outsourced, hosted IT infrastructure. Financial terms of this acquisition were not disclosed. Dirk Vromans and Lennert Vollebregt launched Worldstream in 2006 and oversaw the early stages of the company's expansion. Following the transaction, they will continue to hold minority shares in the company, after they step back from their leadership roles at Worldstream in 2020.
  • Singapore to free up more power for data center expansion - The aim is to increase the amount of power it allocates for data centers by as much as 35%, according to Janil Puthucheary, senior minister of state at the Ministry of Communications and Information. The city-state will free up about 300 megawatts of capacity in the short term via resource allocation and efficiency enhancements, with possibly another 200 megawatts to come through partnerships with clean energy providers, Puthucheary said. Data centers currently require about 1,400 megawatts of power capacity, according to government data.

Got some news of your own to share? If it's news from your own company it belongs in Web Hosting Industry Announcements (no ads please!). If you've scooped some news about something else going on in the hosting industry we'd love for you to share it in our Industry News section! Also look out for threads marked with our new [NEWS] tag, when members have posted newsworthy items in various sections of the forum. You can search for them using Advanced Search, search by prefix "NEWS", and "show results as posts".

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